Relocation services

Offered to insureds

A disaster disrupts a whole life!

Fortunately we are here to assist you, contact your insurance and find you temporary accommodation to help you quickly return to normal life.

We are available at all times !

Our solutions are flexible

Relocation may be a few weeks to several months depending on the nature of the claim. Whatever the duration, no lease to be signed. All our accommodation are fully equipped, comfortable and safe. As a broker, we have access to a wide choice of housing in the province of Quebec.

The choice of accommodation is varied, apartments or houses, in the sector of your choice : close to your residence, work, schools or daycare centres …

How do we operate ?

Turnkey service

We take care of everything and we ensure your satisfaction throughout your stay.

No cash advance

We work directly with your insurance to manage the financial aspect.

We accept animals

Even your animals will be pampered! ​ *under certain conditions.

Fill out the form

The relocation form can be found below.

Demande de relocalisation

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