Why Choose a Relocation Broker?
Ecrit par Vanessa Maisonneuve-Rocheleau
– 12 February 2020

The 6 essential qualities of disaster relocation experts

Are you a claims adjuster in an insurance company and want to delegate the relocation of your disaster clients to a trusted team? At J&S Relocation, we are committed to putting all of our skills at the service of our customers to make this experience pleasant. Read on to discover 6 of the essential qualities of disaster relocation specialists!

1. They listen to the needs of disaster victims

The victims are going through difficult and trying times. Relocation experts know how to allay their insecurity and fears. By listening to their needs, they are able to offer the best relocation option.

2. They are present at every step of the process

Your victims need to be taken care of during the transition to their temporary accommodation, but also to be informed throughout their stay whether it should be extended or not, for example. A qualified team of experts thus accompanies the victims from the first to the last stage of the process.

3. They pay attention to detail

Your disaster victims have well-established lifestyle habits and daily routines. A team of experts does everything in its power to find accommodation that suits the lifestyle of the person or family concerned, that meets quality standards and that is in the right location.

4. They are models of reliability

Your business needs to get the best results, fast. A competent team specializing in disaster relocation is experienced, solution-oriented and determined to surpass itself It also has a high rate of success and satisfaction with its customers.

5. They demonstrate a great capacity for adaptation

Your disaster victims do not all experience the same situation and may have different relocation needs depending on the intensity of the damage caused by the disaster encountered. A team of experts knows how to adapt, regardless of the duration of the relocation.

6. They offer competitive prices

Your business deserves quality service at a great price. The team of experts you turn to must therefore be able to negotiate prices in order to offer excellent value for money.


At J&S Relocation, we place each of these qualities at the heart of our company’s values. To make a relocation request for one of your clients, contact us!

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