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The ultimate blog of discerning disaster experts

Moving When You’re Disaster Stricken: What to Bring

  When you have a disaster that requires you to relocate to another home, there is not much time to prepare for your move. Although the insurance moving company will pack and store most everything,

Storage of goods during a relocation

Do you have to leave your home temporarily due to a disaster? Most of your belongings will be in storage during your relocation. Here are 8 questions you need to know about storage to be

On the way to the holidays

ust because the construction holidays are behind us does not mean that the summer is already over, quite the contrary! There are still several beautiful weeks left to enjoy the sunshine and take a little

Why Choose a Relocation Broker?

The 6 essential qualities of disaster relocation experts Are you a claims adjuster in an insurance company and want to delegate the relocation of your disaster clients to a trusted team? At J&S Relocation, we